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the go – howl on the haunted beat you ride


well, today ‘the magic’ happened.

skimming through the racks of a local music emporium i saw an album that i have never seen before.

the cover, the typeset, the layout, the track titles.

everything about it referenced my current groove : psych/garage/sunshine pop of the late 60s.

i looked closer for any names i recognised, but alas i was no wiser.

the record label was new to me, cass records

[ note : catalogue number has a ‘mama’ prefix. genius. ]

it really puzzled me, but the cover art and packaging indicated this would be something of interest.

in fact, the only real nudge that pushed me was that the label was based in detroit, which as we all know is the home of the ultimate garage rock-n-roll band ever..

so, that was it.

i handed over my coin, yes, it really was one coin, and rushed back to a machine upon which i could spin this new addition to the archive.

and ..

well, i totally hit paydirt.

recorded in 2007, but including several tracks could easily be extra additions to the ultimate ‘nuggets’ compilation.

however, that would be a little misguiding as this album is not wall to wall garage r-n-r.

research indicates that the bands previous releases were indeed a descendant of detroits finest, whereas for this album they mellowed the noise, added some sunshine, and a lot of harmonious joy.

the album is just a perfect slice of lo-fi psych pop, which has been recorded a la the source.

yes, alongside the west coast styled pop there is a little dabble with bolan-esque glam (as i have already said to someone, this is the album that pop levi has been trying to make for years), however, the end result is an album that after 4 spins is getting better and better.

and the cover that prompted such action ?

well, here it is :



as a digger with a coin in my hand, it’s not often i strike gold like this.

more detail : here