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thought beneath film – if i could fix you



i have spent the last few days getting ireallylovemusic off various generic mailing lists, and tidying up the mountain of unsolicited emails that hit the inbox.

so, when the email arrived from the hamilton/ontario based trio (i suspect my noise making friends in the dirty nil pointed the band in my direction), ‘thought beneath film’, a couple of hours ago i was gung-ho to hit the delete button.

well, more fool me, as this has put a grin from ear to ear on my face.

buzz guitars, top quality production, and more sing-a-long hooks than you could ever imagine in a 3 minute guitar pop track.

and, what really has surprised me is that this is not a one off.

the album, cartographers, out on april 15th, is chocka with more nuggets like this.

35 minutes stuffed to max with ear pleasing pop songs, noisy guitars, “woah whoah whoooooooo”s etc.

of course, a lot of my current acceptance could be down to me recently adding a lot of 90s guitar power pop to the digital archive (jason falkner, owsley, the posies, jellyfish, brendon benson, etc), and so i’ve been really enjoying this type of smile inducing groove.

whatever the reason, i’m just very glad i did not hit delete.


more detail : here