13 amp recordings



update : 27/9

its official : 13 amp is now assigned to the history archives. was fun while it lasted.

3/4 news : at last some news.

it now looks it may really happen. american whip is due for release on 15th march. lovely lovely. from first listenings the differences are very subtle. but i need to listen to the new version properly. also, at the end of march there is a new mix/compilation to be released. this one has been put together by twisted nerve's cherrystone. the album goes under the title of 'hidden charms' .. cos thats what it is. a bunch of groove ridden tracks that have served cherrystones dj sets well over the years.

details and tracklisting : review to follow ..



david holmes (introducing the free association) - come get it i got it

my computer - vulnerabilia

david holmes presents the free association - album (orig)

the re-release free association album (v2). out 15/9.

free association - (mix) - promotional mixtape of the lp.

david holmes presents the free association - sugarman single

joy zipper - gun control ep 7" single.

joy zipper - the stereo and god

joy zipper - american whip

cherrystones - hidden charms

joy zipper - the heartlight set


extra stuff


joy zipper - interview

joy zipper - discography

exclusive : petra from the free association answers a couple of questions set by yours truly : interview


.. there are also rumours of some rather limited 7" singles by by rodriguez (promo), apparat organ quartet, vendetta suite, joy zipper prior to the collapse of the label last year. not to be found in your local record megastore i suspect .. damn.


link - the official website

link - fan site with lots of good stuff.
